Archived Transfer/Posting/Promotion/Relieving/Retirement Orders 2020-19

Title Order No. Date
Appointment Order of A.P.P. & G.A. No. 6 Alwar F.8(3)Raj/Vad/19 31-Dec-2020
Appointment Order of Panel Lawyer for Hon'ble Supreme court, New Delhi  F.9(4)Raj/Vad/88, Part 29-Dec-2020
Appointment Order of Sh. Indushekhar Pareek, Sh. Arun Kumar A.G.C. Jodhpur F.12(15)Raj/Vad/08 Part 29-Dec-2020
Appointment Order of Sh. Ugrashen Yadav, D.G.C., Jaipur F.12(15) Raj/Vad/08 Part 29-Dec-2020
Appointment Order of Sh. Anand Prakash, D.G.C. Jodhpur F.12(15) Raj/Vad/08 Part 29-Dec-2020
Retirement Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre Officers (Year 2021-22) F.22(4)Nyay/2015 29-Dec-2020
Post Sanction order of 1 S.P.P., 7 A.P.P &  Staff under Law (Litigation) Department F.8(2)Raj/Vad/12 24-Dec-2020
Transfer Posting Order of Legal Service Cadre Officer's F.22(1)Nyay/20 23-Dec-2020
Notice for 8  RJS selected candidates F.19(10)Nyay/2019 23-Dec-2020
Attestation Form For Rajasthan Judicial Service Cadre Officers   23-Dec-2020
Corrigendum of order dated 25.09.2020 Regarding Appointment of RJS Cadre officer F.19(10)Nyay/2019 09-Dec-2020
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Vidhi Rachna Service Cadre F.24(1)Nyay/20 07-Dec-2020
Transfer Posting Order of Legal Service Cadre Officer's F.22(1)Nyay/20 07-Dec-2020
Junior Advocate Appointment Order of Sh. Rahul Sehara F.12(3)Raj/Vad/99 Pt. 03-Dec-2020
Junior Advocate Appointment Order of Sh. Ashok Kumar Sharma F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08 Pt. 03-Dec-2020
Service Extension Order of P.P/A.P.P.   02-Dec-2020
Service Extension Order of P.P/A.P.P./S.P.P   02-Dec-2020
Appointment Order of S.P.P. (S.C./S.T., Prevention of Atrocities), Jhalawar F.8(20)Raj/Vad/19 01-Dec-2020
Appointment and Posting  Order of Junior Assistant (Pick-Up Against carry forward Post of Handicap) LDC Exam.2013 Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(2)Raj/Vad/18 Pt-I 12-Nov-2020
Medical Education Department allotment order for A.A.G. & A.G.C. Jodhpur F.12(3)Raj/Vad/99 Part 11-Nov-2020
Approval of resignation letter of Sh. Mahendra Kumar Chaudhary, P.P. & G.A. Jaisalmer F.8(22)Raj/Vad/19 07-Nov-2020
Service Extension Order of P.P., A.P.P., S.P.P.  - 27-Oct-2020
Service cancellation order of Ramkumar Singh S.P.P., Jaipur & Laduram Vishnoi S.P.P., Jodhpur F.8(38)Raj/Vad/19 27-Oct-2020
Appointment Order of A.P.P. & G.A and S.P.P. Alwar F.8(3)Raj/Vad/19 26-Oct-2020
Approval of resignation letter of  Sh. Vinod Kumar Dangi, A.P.P. & G.A. Chirawa, Jhunjhunu F.8(21)Raj/Vad/19 26-Oct-2020
Appointment cancellation order of retired 3 DJ cadre officer from "Lok Adalat" F.8(1)vidhi-2/VRS.(39)/2002Part/391 22-Oct-2020
Service termination order of Shri Bagh Singh Bhati, AGA & APP, RHC, Jodhpur F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08 Part 09-Oct-2020
Acceptance order of Resignation of Sh. Girish Joshi, AGC, RHC, Jodhpur F.12(15)Raj/Vad/08 Part 09-Oct-2020
Document Verification Order of Junior Assistant (Pick-Up Against carry forward Post of Handicap) LDC Exam.2013 Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(2)raj/vad/18part-1 09-Oct-2020
Service extension order of PP/APP/SPP   08-Oct-2020
Name Correction Order APP Dantaramgarh, Sikar F.8(36)Raj/Vad/19 08-Oct-2020
Appointment Order PP Jaipur City II F.8(18)Raj/Vad/19 08-Oct-2020
Junior Advocate Appointment Order of Sh. Hemant Prakash Kothari F.12(3)Raj/Vad/99 Pt. 08-Octo2020
Promotion order of Rajasthan Legal Service   07-Oct-2020
Promotion order of Rajasthan Vidhi Rachna Service   07-Oct-2020
Appointment Cancelation Order Of Junior Assistant  Exam.2018 Under Law (Litigation) Department F.07(02)raj/vad/18part-1 01-Oct-2020
Appointment Cancelation Order Of Junior Assistant (Pick-Up From Reserve List Exam.2013) Under Law (Litigation) Department F.07(02)raj/vad/18part-1 01-Oct-2020
Appointment Cancelation Order Of Clerk Grade-II (Pick-Up From Reserve List Exam.2013) Under Law (Litigation) Department F.07(02)raj/vad/18part-1 01-Oct-2020
VRS Cancellation Order of Sh. Mahesh Chand Gaur, A.L.R. F.22(32)Nyay/1999 29-Sept-2020
Appointment order of selected candidates in RJS Exam 2018 F.19(10)Nyay/2019 25-Sept-2020
Service extension order of PP/APP/SPP   23-Sept-2020
Order of VRS of Sh. Mahesh Chand Gaur, A.L.R. F.22(32)Nyay/1999 22-Sept-2020
Transfer Posting Order of Sh. Mahesh Chand Gaur, A.L.R. F.22(32)Nyay/1999 22-Sept-2020
Service extension order of PP/APP/SPP   21-Sept-2020
Junior Advocate Appointment Order of Sh. Rahul Sehara F.12(3)Raj/Vad/99 Part 21-Sept-2020
Appointment Order of A.P.P. & G.A. F.8(36)Raj/Vad/19 21-Sept-2020
Appointment Cancelation Order Of Junior Assistant (Pick-Up From Reserve List Exam.2013) Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(2)raj/vad/18part-2 15-Sept-2020
Appointment Cancelation Order Of Clerk Grade-II (Pick-Up From Reserve List Exam.2013) Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(2)raj/vad/18part-2 15-Sept-2020
Transfer Posting Order of Smt. Veena Agarwal, JLO F.22(1)Nyay/20 07-Sept-2020
Appointment and Posting Order of Junior Assistant (Pick-Up Against NJRs LDC 2013) Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(2)raj/vad/18part-1 02-Sept-2020
Appointment and Posting Order of Junior Assistant (Pick-Up From Reserve List Exam.2018) Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(2)raj/vad/18part-1 02-Sept-2020
Appointment and Posting Order of Junior Assistant(Exam.2018) Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(2)raj/vad/18part-1 02-Sept-2020
Additional Charge Order of Sh. mahipal munoth, A.L.R. F.22(1)Nyay/19 18-Aug-2020
Appointment Order of Panel lawyer  F.9(4)Raj/Vad/88,Part 10-Aug-2020
Additional Charge Order of Sh. Suresh Kumar Sharma, D.L.R. F.22(1)Nyay/19 06-Aug-2020
Additional Charge Order of Sh. Harish Sharma, Jt.L.R. F.22(1)Nyay/19 31-July-2020
Appointment and Posting Order of Junior Assistant (Pick-Up From Reserve List) Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(02)Raj/Vad/18Part-II 24-July-2020
Appointment and Posting Order of Junior Assistant,A.G./A.A.G. Office Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(02)Raj/Vad/18Part-II 24-July-2020
Appointment and Posting Order of Junior Assistant,S.P.P./G.A./A.P.P. Office Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(02)Raj/Vad/18Part-II 24-July-2020
District allotment Order for Selected Candidates in Junior Assistant Examination-2013 and Department allotted as Principal Secretary Law (M.A.C.T.) F.29()Nyay/2020 16-July-2020
District allotment Order for Selected Candidates in Junior Assistant Examination-2013 (Pick-up from Reserve List)  and Department allotted as Principal Secretary Law (M.A.C.T.) F.29()Nyay/2020 16-July-2020
Additional Charge Order of Sh. Raj Singh, A.L.R F.22(1)Nyay/19 16-July-2020
Appointment Order of A.P.P. & G.A - 13-July-2020
Order regarding Chairman of Permanent Lok Adalat



09-July 2020
Order of VRS of Shri Rambharosi Sharma, DLR F.22(82)Nyay/1993 07-July-2020
Document Verification Order for Selected Candidates in Junior Assistant Examination-2013 (Pick-up from Reserve List)  and Department allotted as Principal Secretary Law(Litigation) F.7(2)Raj/Vad/18 Pt-II 02-Jul-2020
Remainder Document Verification Order for Selected Candidates in Junior Assistant Examination-2013 and Department allotted as Principal Secretary Law(Litigation) F.7(2)Raj/Vad/18 Pt-II 02-Jul-2020
Document Verification Order for Selected Candidates in Junior Assistant Examination-2013 and Department allotted as Law(MACT) F.29()Nyay/2020 30-June-2020
Transfer Posting Order of Legal Service Cadre Officer's F.22(1)Nyay/19 25-June-2020
Document Verification Order for Selected Candidates in Junior Assistant Examination-2013 and Department allotted as Principal Secretary Law(Litigation) F.7(2)Raj/Vad/18 Pt-II 19-June-2020
Appointment and Posting Order of Junior Assistant Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(2)Raj/Vad/18 Pt-I 18-June-2020
Appointment and Posting Order of Sh. Vikash, Junior Assistant Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(2)Raj/Vad/18 Pt-I 18-June-2020
Retirement Order of Judicial Officers F.19(5)Nyay/2011 15-June-2020
Order of VRS of Shri kailash Chand Porwal, DLR F.22(57)Nyay/1993 10-June-2020
Regularization order of Sh. Sunil Muwal, Sh. Ganesh Lal Kharadi and Saroj Meena J.L.O. F.24(3)Nyay/2015 09-June-2020
Order of VRS of Shri bharam kumar soni, DLR F.22(74)Nyay/1993 04-June-2020
Regarding District Distribution for the selected candidates of Junior Assistant Examination-2018   29( )Nyay/2020 02-June-2020
Document Verification Order of Sh. Mahesh Kumar Meena Selected Candidates in Junior Assistant Examination-2018 and Department alloted as Principal Secretary Law(Litigation) F.7(02)Raj/Vad/18/Part-1 27-May-2020
Document Verification Order for Selected Candidates in Junior Assistant Examination-2018 and Department alloted as Principal Secretary Law(Litigation)  F.7(02)Raj/Vad/18/Part-1 26-May-2020
Additional Charge Order of Sh. Mohan Lal Gupta, D.L.R. F.22(1)Nyay/19 08-May-2020
Appointment Order of Sh. Pradeep Kumar Sharma, A.P.P. & G.A. Jhunjhunu F.8(21)Raj/Vad/19 29-Apr-2020
Appointment Order of Sh. Sanjay Kumar Verma, A.P.P. & G.A. Chomu, (Jaipur) F.8(19)Raj/Vad/19 19-Mar-2020
Retirement Order of Sh. Ramesh Prasad Shrivastav, V.R.A. F.22(4)Nyay/2015 11-Mar-2020
Retirement Order of Sh. Narendra Shyam Naval, D.L.R. F.22(4)Nyay/2015 11-Mar-2020
Post Sanction order of 5 APP’S & Staff under Law (Litigation) Department F.8(2)Raj/Vad/12pt-I 02-Mar-2020
Corrigendum Order of dated 30.07.2019 Law (Litigation) Department F.8(25)Raj/Vad/19 28-Feb-2020
Service Extension Order of Mr. Kuldeep Jain, SPP (SC/ST) Alwar F.8(3)Raj/Vad/19 28-Feb-2020
Appointment Order of Dy.G.A. & A.P.P. Jaipur F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08,pt 26-Feb-2020
Transfer Posting Order of Legal Service Cadre Officer's F.22(1)Nyay/2019 25-Feb-2020
Services of Machine with Men on contractual basis under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(80)Raj/Vad/18 20-Feb-2020
Services of Class-IV Employee on contractual basis Under Law (Litigation) Department F.7(05)Raj/Vad/19 20-Feb-2020
Order of 4 Employees on contractual basis at office of A.A.G. Jodhpur F.12(3)Raj/Vad/99,pt-13(II) 19-Feb-2020
Appointment order of Panel Lawyers F.9(4)Raj/Vad/88,pt 12-Feb-2020
Appointment Order of Sh. Ashok Kumar Sharma, P.P. & G.A. Alwar F.8(3)Raj/Vad/19 pt-I 12-Feb-2020
Additional Charge Order of Sh. Mohammad Zahid Rashid A.L.R. F.22(1)Nyay/2019 06-Feb-2020
Transfer/Posting order of Sh. Sandeep Bhardwaj, J.L.O. F.22(1)Nyay/2008 04-Feb-2020
Dismiss from service of Sh. Hem Singh, IV Class Employee Law (Litigation) Department F.12(7)Raj/Vad/16 31-Jan-2020
Appointment order of 5 Additional District Judge F.19(4)Nyay/2019 31-Jan-2020
Appointment and Posting Order of Sh. Vijay Sharma as Junior Assistant F. 7(2)Raj/Vad/2020 27-Jan-2020
Additional Charge Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F.22(1)Nyay/2019 21-Jan-2020
Additional Charge Order of Sh. Manoj Kumar, J.L.O. F.22(1)Nyay/2019 06-Jan-2020
Additional Charge Cancellation  Order of Sh. Om Prakash Sharma, A.L.R. F.22(1)Nyay/2019 06-Jan-2020
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F.22(1)Nyay/2019 26-Dec-2019
Promotion & Posting order of Sh. Ramesh Chand Meena, JLO to SLO  F.22(4)Nyay/2017 26-Dec-2019
Appointment Order of A.P.P. & G.A. No.5 in Jaipur Metro F.12(15)Raj/Vad/08,Pt 26-Dec-2019
Additional Charge Order of  A.P.P. & G.A. , A.D.J. Court No.5, Jaipur Metro F.8(18)Raj/Vad/19 20-Dec-2019
Appointment Order of  Standing Council & A.G.C.   13-Dec-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P., A.P.P. in Jaipur



Notice for RJS Examination 2019 selected candidates F.19(10)Nyay/2019 04-Dec-2019
Attestation Form For Rajasthan Judicial Service Cadre Officers   04-Dec-2019
Retirement order of Sh. Nandlal Sharma, D.L.R. F.22(4)Nyay/2015 04-Dec-2019
Retirement Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre Officers (Year 2020-21) F.22(4)Nyay/2015 02-Dec-2019
Appointment Order of Smt. Sabanam Bano, A.P.P. in A.D.J.(Women harassment) Jodhpur Metro F.8(25)Raj/Vad/19 25-Nov-2019
Extra Charge Order of Legal Service Cadre Officers/Employees F.22(1)Nyay/19 20-Nov-2019
Appointment Order of A.P.P. in Jaipur Metro F.8(19)Raj/Vad/19

Appointment Order of A.P.P. in Jaipur District F.8(18)Raj/Vad/19 14-Nov-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. in Kota District F.8(28)Raj/Vad/19 Pt-1 14-Nov-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. in Bundi District F.8(10)Raj/Vad/19 14-Nov-2019
Appointment Order of A. P.P. in Kama, District Bharatpur F.8(7)Raj/Vad/19 14-Nov-2019
Appointment Order of P.P. and S.P.P. in Pratapgarh District F.8(11)Raj/Vad/19 14-Nov-2019
Additional Charge Order of Sh. Dilip Kumar Sharma, DS (LD-II) VR Department F.24(1)Nyay/2019 01-Nov-2019
Promotion Order of Sh. Brahm Kumar Soni F.22(5)Nyay/2018 31-Oct-2019
Order of Sh. Devyani Rathore, A.G.C. F.12(15)Raj/Vad/08, pt 25-Oct-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Jaipur Metro F.8(18)Raj/Vad/19 25-Oct-2019

Appointment Order of P.P. and A.P.P. in Jaipur District

F.8(19)Raj/Vad/19 25-Oct-2019
APP and Govt Adv Order of Sh. Manoj Singh Parihar in Upper District and Session Court, Bari District Dholpur F.8(14)Raj/Vad/19 25-Oct-2019

APP and Govt. Advocate Order of Sh. Pradeep Kumar Sharma in Upper District and Session Court, Jhalawar



Special Public Prosecutor Order of Sh. Purushottam Parmar in Special Court Dholpur

F.8(14)Raj/Vad/19 25-Oct-2019

Public Prosecutor and Govt. Adv Order of Sh. Sujeet Kumar in District and Session Court Dholpur

F.8(14)Raj/Vad/19 25-Oct-2019
Extra Charge Order of Legal Service Cadre Officers/Employees F.22(1)Nyay/19 24-Oct-2019
Corrigendum of Extra Charge Order Dated 17-Oct-2019 F.22(1)Nyay/19 24-Oct-2019
Corrigendum of Extra Charge Order Dated 17-Oct-2019 F.22(1)Nyay/19 18-Oct-2019
Extra Charge Order of Legal Service Cadre Officers'/Employees F.22(1)Nyay/19 17-Oct-2019
Services of Stenographer and Class-IV Employee on contractual basis in POCSO Courts F.7(48)Raj/Vad/2019 14-Oct-2019
Posting Order of Sh Akash Bhardwaj Clerck Grade II In MACT Karauli F.29(8)Nyay/2019 15-Oct-2019
Posting Order of Sh. Sumangal Maheshwari Clerck Grade II in MACT Jhalawar F.29(9)Nyay/2019 15-Oct-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Alwar District F. 8(3)Raj/Vad/19 11-Oct-2019

Appointment/Posting Order of Junior Assistant Under Law Litigation Department of RPSC Competitive Exam 2013

F. 7(2)Raj/Vad/18 10-Oct-2019
Corrigendum of Document Verification Order of Law (Litigation) Department dated 30-09-19 F. 7(2)Raj/Vad/18 30-Sep-2019
Regarding Document Verification of Clerk Gr.-II (Jr. Assistant) allotted to Law (Litigation) Department F. 7(2)Raj/Vad/18 30-Sep-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F. 22(1)Nyay/19 29-Sep-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F. 22(5)Nyay/18 29-Sep-2019

Transfer Order under Law (Litigation) Department

F.8(32)Raj/Vad/08 Part-5 27-Sept-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F. 22(1)Nyay/19 25-Sep-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. in Pali District F. 8(29)Raj/Vad/19 24-Sep-2019
Order for accepting resignation latter of Sh. Bhagirath Singh Rajpurohit, S.P.P. F. 8(29)Raj/Vad/19 24-Sep-2019
Relieving Order of S.P.P. and Appointment Order of S.P.P. in Dausa District F. 8(13)Raj/Vad/19 24-Sep-2019
Appointment Cancellation Order of Sh. Shalendra Singh, Dy. G.A. & A.P.P. F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08 Pt 20-Sep-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Sh. Nikunj Dixit, VR F. 24(3)Nyay/97 18-Sep-2019
Relieving Order of Sh. Girija Shankar Sharma, Spl. P.P. F.8(28)Raj/Vad/19 13-Sep-2019
Notice for compliance of Transfer/Posting Order F. 22(1)Nyay/2019 16-Sep-2019
Appointment Order of Panel Lawyer before Hon'ble National Green Tribunal, New Delhi F. 9(04) Raj/Vad/88 Pt. 13-Sep-2019
Appointment Order of Panel Lawyers before Hon'ble Supreme Court, New Delhi F. 9(04) Raj/Vad/88 Pt. 13-Sep-2019
Appointment Order of Advocate On Record, New Delhi F. 9(04) Raj/Vad/88 Pt. 13-Sep-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Jodhpur Metropolitan F.8(25)Raj/Vad/19 11-09-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. in Jodhpur District F.8(26)Raj/Vad/19 11-09-2019
Appointment Order of A.P.P. in Bharatpur District F.8(7)Raj/Vad/19 02-09-2019
Appointment Order of A.P.P. in ADJ Court Sangawara, Dungarpur F.8(15)Raj/Vad/19 02-09-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. in POCSO Court Bharatpur F.8(7)Raj/Vad/19 02-09-2019
Appointment Order of A.P.P. in ADJ Court Raisinghnagar, SriGanganagar F.8(16)Raj/Vad/19 02-09-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. & A.P.P. in Udaipur District F.8(32)Raj/Vad/19 02-09-2019
Relieving Order of P.P. Alwar and Appointment Order of S.P.P. Alwar F.8(3)Raj/Vad/19 30-Aug-19
Relieving and Appointment Order of S.P.P. Bundi F.8(10)Raj/Vad/19 30-Aug-19
Relieving and appointment Order of A.P.P. Bharatpur  F.8(7)Raj/Vad/19/Part 30-Aug-19
Relieving Order of P.P. and Appointment Order of S.P.P in Pratapgarh District F.8(11)Raj/Vad/19 30-Aug-2019
Relieving Order of P.P., A.P.P, S.P.P  and Appointment Order of A.P.P, S.P.P. in Dholpur District F.8(14)Raj/Vad/19 30-Aug-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Vidhi Rachna Service Cadre F.24(4)Nyay/2018 30-Aug-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F.22(1)Nyay/2019 30-Aug-2019
Additional Charge Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F.22(1)Nyay/2019 29-Aug-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F.22(1)Nyay/2019 29-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. in POCSO Court, Banswara F.8(4)Raj/Vad/19 28-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. in POCSO Court, Chittorgarh F.8(24)Raj/Vad/19 28-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Sikar District F.8(36)Raj/Vad/19 28-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Alwar District F.8(3)Raj/Vad/19 28-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. in POCSO Court, Ajmer F.8(2)Raj/Vad/19 27-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of A.P.P. in ADJ Court Pali F.8(29)Raj/Vad/19 27-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P.  in POCSO Court, Jhalawar F.8(20)Raj/Vad/19 27-Aug-2019
Promotion Order of ALR, YEAR 2019-20 F.22(6)Nyay/2018 21-Aug-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Vidhi Rachna Service Cadre F.24(4)Nyay/2018 20-Aug-2019
Promotion Order of Rajasthan Vidhi Rachna Service Officers F.24(4)Nyay/2018 20-Aug-2019
Promotion Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Officers   20-Aug-2019
Relieving Order of Shri Ashok Singhvi, APP & GA, Udaipur F. 8(32)Raj/Vad/19 16-Aug-2019
Review Promotion Order of Legal Service Officers F.22(4)Nyay/2016 16-Aug-2019
Cancellation Order of Sh. Bharat Bhushan Pandya Appointment for A.P.P. & G.A. Sagawara Distt Dungarpur F. 8(15)Raj/Vad/19 13-Aug-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Law(Litigation) Department F. 8(32)Raj/Vad/08 Pt-5 13-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of A.P.P. in Karauli District F. 8(35)Raj/Vad/19 09-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of A.P.P. in Baran District F. 8(6)Raj/Vad/19 09-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of A.P.P. in Nagaur District F. 8(28)Raj/Vad/19 09-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Bikaner District F. 8(9) Raj/Vad/19 09-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Kota District F. 8(28)Raj/Vad/19 09-Aug-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Jodhpur City F. 8(25) Raj/Vad/19 30-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P. and A.P.P. in Jodhpur District F. 8(26) Raj/Vad/19 30-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Hanumangarh District F. 8(17) Raj/Vad/19 30-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of Smt. Neetu on the post of Jr. Assistant. F. 7(38)Raj/Vad/19 26-Jul-2019
Order of Additional Charge to Legal Service Officers F.22(1)Nyay/2019 19-Jul-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F.22(1)Nyay/2019 19-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Jhunjhunu District F. 8(21)Raj/Vad/19 16-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Baran District F. 8(6)Raj/Vad/19 16-Jul-2019
Cancellation of Appointment of Sh. Arvind Kumar Chawala from the post of D.G.A. & A.P.P., RHC Jaipur F. 12(16)Raj/Vad/08,Pt 15-Jul-2019
Cancellation Order of Sh. Gaurav Chaubisha Appointment for S.P.P. Distt Banswara F. 8(4)Raj/Vad/19 12-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Sriganganagar District F. 8(16)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Bharatpur District F. 8(7)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Barmer District F. 8(5)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Ajmer District F. 8(2)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Chittorgarh District F. 8(24)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Bhilwara District F. 8(8)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Nagaur District F. 8(27)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., and S.P.P. in Bundi District F. 8(10)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jaul-2019
Appointment Order of  S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Dholpur District F. 8(14)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Udaipur District F. 8(32)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., and S.P.P. in Jalore District F. 8(23)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Tonk District F. 8(31)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in SawaiMadhopur District F. 8(33)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Pali District F. 8(29)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P. , S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Sirohi District F. 8(30)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P. , S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Jaisalmer District F. 8(22)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of  S.P.P. in Pratapgarh District F. 8(11)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of  S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Kota District F. 8(28) Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P. , S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Rajsamand District F. 8(34)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P. , S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Dausa District F. 8(13)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P., S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Jhalawar District F. 8(20) Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P. , S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Karauli District F. 8(35)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P. , S.P.P. and A.P.P. in Banswara District F. 8(4)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Appointment Order of P.P. And S.P.P. in Dungarpur District F. 8(15)Raj/Vad/19 09-Jul-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Sh. Surya Prakash Dosaya, A.L.R. F. 22(1)Nyay/18 08-Jul-2019
Transfer/Posting Order under Law(Litigation) Department F. 08(32) Raj/Vad/08 Pt-5 03-Jul-2019
Services of Man with Machine on contractual basis under Law (Litigation) Department F. 07(80) Raj/Vad/18 03-Jul-2019
Promotion order of Sh. Narendar Shyam Naval F.23(3)Nyay/2016 02-Jul-2019
AAG New Delhi Appointment Order of Sh. Ashish Kumar F. 09(04) Raj/Vad/88 pt 01-Jul-2019
Order of Voluntary Retirement of Sh. Rajendra Singh, D.L.R. F. 22(22)Nyay/1993 18-June-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F.22(1)Nyay/2019 14-June-2019
Cancellation Order of Appointment of 2 LDC Grade-II (Batch-2013) candidates allotted to Litigation Department F.07(02) Raj/Vad/18 pt-2 13-June-2019
Service Removal Order of P.P. & G.A. and A.P.P. & G.A. under Law(Litigation) Department

F.08(42) Raj/Vad/19

F.08(43) Raj/Vad/19

Order for filling the 185 vacant posts of Class IV Employees in Law (Litigation) Department F.07(05) Raj/Vad/19 31-May-2019
Promotion and Posting Order of Sh. Barkat Ullaah Sultani F.23(2)Nyay/2012 27-May-2019
Promotion and Posting Order of Sh. Virendra Singh Yadav F.22(4)Nyay/2016 27-May-2019
Junior Advocate Appointment Order in Rajasthan High Court F.12(3) Raj/Vad/99 Part 27-May-2019
Approval of resignation letter of  Sh. Buddhi Prakash Dadhich, A.P.P. & G.A. No. 03, Kota P. 8(28)Raj/Vad/14 21-May-2019
Relieving Order and the Directions for the Panel Lawyers P. 9(4) Raj/Vad/88 Pt. 17-Apr-2019
Retirement order of Shri Ramesh Chand Kumawat, D.L.R. P.26(16)Nyay/92 24-Apr-2019
Corrigendum Order of dated 25.02.2019 Law (Litigation) Department P.12(15)Raj/Vad/08, pt 15-Apr-2019
Relieving Order of Sh. Rohit K Singh, Advocate on Record, Supreme Court, New Delhi P.9(4)Raj/Vad/88, pt

Relieving Order of Ms. Ruchi Kohali, Advocate on Record, Supreme Court, New Delhi P.9(4)Raj/Vad/88, pt 13-Apr-2019
Extra Charge Order of Sh. Ashish Gurjar JLO Law (Group-2) Department F.22(1)Nyay/2019 09-Apr-2019
Approval of resignation letter of  Sh. K.L. Janjani, Senior Panel Lawyer, Supreme Court, New Delhi P.9(4)Raj/Vad/88, pt 01-Apr-2019
Letter to Sh. Murlidhar Dhakar for Relaxation in joining time for the post of Jr. Assistant P.7(31)Raj/Vad/19 01-Apr-2019
AAG Delhi Appointment Order of Sh. Padhmalakshami Iyengar P.9(04)Raj/Vad/88 Part 29-March-2019
Order regarding Joinning in reference of Transfer/Posting order dated 09-03-2019 F.22(1)Nyay/2019 29-Mar-2019
Order for newly appointed AGC to work as Assistant to AAGs in RHC Jaipur Bench Jaipur F.12(15)Raj/Vad/08part 15-Mar-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre F.22(1)Nyay/19 09-Mar-2019
Transfer Order of Sh. Man Singh,  DLR F.22(1)Nyay/19 08-Mar-2019
Order for newly appointed AGC to work as Assistant to AAGs & GC in RHC, Jodhpur F.12(15)Raj/Vad/08, Part 06-Mar-2019
Appointment Order for LDC under LAW (Litigation) Department F.7(2)Raj/Vad/18 part-2 03-Mar-2019
Appointment Order for LDC under LAW (Litigation) Department F.7(2)Raj/Vad/18 part-2 03-Mar-2019
Corrigendum of Transfer/Posting Order of Law (Litigation) Department dated 28/02/2019 F.8(32)Raj/Vad/14 pt-4 01-Mar-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Jr. Assistant of Law (Litigation) Department F.8(32)Raj/Vad/14 pt-4 28-Feb-2019
Corrigendum of GA CUM AAG Jaipur Appointment Order dated 17/01/2019 F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08, Part 28-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Deputy Govt. Advocate and APP, Jodhpur

F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08, Part 28-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Deputy Govt. Advocate and APP, Jaipur F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08, Part 28-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Additional Govt. Advocate and APP, Jodhpur F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08, Part

Appointment Order of Additional Govt. Advocate and APP, Jaipur F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08, Part 28-Feb-2019
Document Verification of Clerk Gr.-II allotted to LAW Department F.29()Nyay/19

Relieving Order of Additional Govt Advocate and APP/ Deputy Govt. Advocate, Rajasthan High Court Jaipur F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08, Part 28-Feb-2019
Relieving Order of  AAG. Supreme Court, New Delhi F.9(4)Raj/Vad/88, Part 26-Feb-2019
Extension Order of 4 Contractual Employee at Office of Addl. Advocate General Jodhpur F.12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Part-13(ii) 26-Feb-2019
Relieving Order of Asst. Govt Advocate, Rajasthan High Court Jaipur, Jodhpur F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08, Part 25-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Special P.P. Sh. Laduram Bishnoi and Ramkumar Singh F.8(38)Raj/Vad/19 25-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Assistant Govt. Advocate Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur, Jaipur F.12(16)Raj/Vad/08, Part 25-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Government Counsil Jodhpur F.12(15)Raj/Vad/8, Part 25-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Government Counsil Jaipur F.12(15)Raj/Vad/8, Part 25-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Additional Government Counsil, Jodhpur ... 25-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Additional Government Counsil, Jaipur ... 25-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Deputy Government Counsil, Jodhpur ... 25-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Deputy Government Counsil, Jaipur ... 25-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Assistant Government Counsil, Jodhpur ... 25-Feb-2019
Appointment Order of Assistant Government Counsil, Jaipur ... 25-Feb-2019
Relieving Order of G.C./ Additional G.C./ Deputy G.C./ Assistant G.C. Jodhpur ... 25-Feb-2019
Relieving Order of G.C./ Additional G.C./ Deputy G.C./ Assistant G.C. Jaipur ... 25-Feb-2019
Appointment of Advocates as Junior Advocates to AG & AAGs in Jodhpur P.12(16) Raj/Vad/08 Pt. 15-Feb-2019
Appointment of Advocates as Junior Advocates to AG & AAGs in Jaipur P.12(3) Raj/Vad/99 Pt. 15-Feb-2019
Document Verification of Clerk Gr.-II (Jr. Assistant) allotted to LAW (Litigation) Department P. 7(2)Raj/Vad/18 Pt.-2 15-Feb-2019
Appointment of Advocates as Junior Advocates to AG and AAGs. P. 9 (1) Raj/Vad/88 Pt. 08-Feb-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of MACT IVth Class Employees P. 29(1) Nyay/2015 06-Feb-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Sh. Sumit Kumar Sharma & Sh. Shakil Ahmed, Sr. Assistant, Law (Litigation) Department P. 8(32)Raj/Vad/08 Part-5 06-Feb-2019
AAG Delhi Appointment Order of Sh. Manish Singhvi P. 9(04)Raj/Vad/88 Part 27-Jan-2019
Relieving Order of Sh. Brahmanand Sandu, GA and APP cum AAG, Jaipur

P. 12(16)Raj/Vad/08

Relieving Order of Sh. Shiv Kumar Vyas, GA and APP cum AAG, Jodhpur P. 12(16)Raj/Vad/08 17-Jan-2019
GA CUM AAG Jaipur Appointment Order of Sh. Rajendra Kumar Yadav P. 12(16)Raj/Vad/08 17-Jan-2019
GA CUM AAG Jodhpur Appointment Order of Sh. Farjand Ali P. 12(16)Raj/Vad/08 17-Jan-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre. P. 22(4) Nyay/1989 11-Jan-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre. P. 22(1) Nyay/2018 11-Jan-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Legal Service Cadre. P. 22(1) Nyay/2018 11-Jan-2019
Transfer/Posting Order of Rajasthan Vidhi Rachana Seva. P. 24(4) Nyay/2018 11-Jan-2019
AAG Jodhpur Appointment Order of Karan Singh Rajpurohit, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 07-Jan-2019
AAG Jodhpur Appointment Order of Pankaj Sharma, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 07-Jan-2019
AAG Jodhpur Appointment Order of Rekha Borana, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 07-Jan-2019
AAG Jodhpur Appointment Order of Anil Kumar Gaur, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 07-Jan-2019
AAG Jodhpur Appointment Order of Manish Vyas, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 07-Jan-2019
AAG Jodhpur Appointment Order of Sandeep Shah, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 07-Jan-2019
AAG Jodhpur Appointment Order of Sunil Beniwal, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 07-Jan-2019
Retirement Order of Legal Service Cadre & Vidhi Rachana Service Cadre Officers F. 22(4)Nyay/2015 04-Jan-2019
AAG Appointment Order of Vibhutibhushan Sharma, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 03-Jan-2019
AAG Appointment Order of Satyendra Raghav, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 03-Jan-2019
AAG Appointment Order of Rajesh Maharshi, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 03-Jan-2019
AAG Appointment Order of Chiranjilal Saini, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 03-Jan-2019
AAG Appointment Order of Ganesh Meena, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 03-Jan-2019
AAG Appointment Order of Anil Mehta, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 03-Jan-2019
AAG Appointment Order of Major R. P. Singh, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 03-Jan-2019
AAG Appointment Order of Ganesh Parihar, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 03-Jan-2019
AAG Appointment Order of Sheetal Mirdha, Adv. P. 12(3)Raj/Vad/99, Pt. 03-Jan-2019