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Sr. No Subject
1 Particulars of Departments and its Functions
2 Duties of Employees:- Are governed by Rules of Business, Standing orders and various manuals.

Procedure followed in the decision making process :-

Decision making in the department is government by Rules of Business and the Standing orders issued and amended by the Department from time to time.

4 Norms set
5 Rules/Order used by Employees for discharging functions

Categories of Documents:-

1. Transfer/Posting Orders

2. Misc Orders

3. Budget Orders

4. Circulars/Notifications

7 Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with public, for formulation of policy
8 Constitution of committees
9 Directory of Officers

Monthly Remuneration/ Salary:- 

The monthly salary/remuneration given to officers/employees of the department are in consonance with the orders and circulars issued by Finance Department from time to time.

11 Budget allocated
12 Manner of exucation of subsidy programmes
13 Particulars of authorization granted by department

Information held by department in electronic form :- 

Orders and Circulars issued by Law and Legal Affairs Department are held by department in electronic form and displayed on official website of the department.


Particulars of Facilities available to citizens/ working hours :- 

The citizens can contact the appropriate authority in the department with regard to their grievances during stipulated working hours. The Government has decided the working hours in its offices to be between 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM.

16 Names and Designation of public Information Officers
17 Other Informations as may be prescribed